Opening Weekend Walleye!! May 11-May 13, 2024
Opening weekend walleyes! This weekend was full of laughs, good weather and walleyes. The early ice out has made fishing tough and challenging to say the least. But with a lot of moving around and searching we were able to put some quality buckets of fish together!!
Water temp: 51-54 degrees
The walleye we found are all deep in 18-30’ of water in deep holes next to rock structure. Saturday we used jigs all day and never could develop a consistent pattern. Sunday we switched it up to lindy rigs with snells ranging from 3-5’ long and that has been the desired presentation. All lengths produced equal numbers of fish. We pull Lindy’s at .3mph up and down the edges of the deep holes. Fish were up higher in shallower water early and late and slowly slid down the break as the sun got higher. Not many fish were found before 9 am. Due to the cooler evenings they were so tight to the bottom you could not see them on your electronics.
Chubs and rainbows were the minnows of choice and both types of minnows produced fish.
After the weekend the best tips I can offer are have a full tank of gas and keep looking. We fished a bunch of spots this weekend and just because you don’t see them early, doesn’t mean you should give up on that spot. Mid day and evening has been the best bite once the sun warms up the water!!
I have availability throughout the rest of the summer! Give me a call or text at (218) 404-9200 to book your trip today!!!
Tight Lines!